The choice of a marriage partner should not be based on “I get a warm, wonderful feeling whenever we’re together and I want to have that warm wonderful feeling forever, so let’s go get married”.Feelings, as we have discussed, have no logic on their own. They need to be acknowledged, of course, but they …
Month: November 2006
This is a very nice and interesting song I’ve heard quite sometime back.. thought of sharing with you guys.. Enjoy 🙂 [kml_flashembed movie=”″ width=”425″ height=”344″ allowfullscreen=”true” fvars=”fs=1″ /] Everybody’s Free (To Wear Sunscreen) Ladies and Gentlemen of the class of ’97… wear sunscreen. If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen …
According to that great medical journal (The Readers Digest!), speaking in front of a group of people is still the number one fear in America today! The following three suggestions may help you deal with that fear. These will assist you when speaking to 2 or 20 or 200! 1. Preparation compensates for a lack …
A print of a cup of Folgers coffee was placed on top of manhole covers in New York City, USA. Holes on the print allows the steam to come out. Wordings around the cup reads ‘Hey, City That Never Sleeps. Wake up.” from Folgers. An innovative idea on a large billboard in Amsterdam, Netherlands. It …
A relationship coach lays out his 5 golden rules for evaluating the prospects of long-term success. When it comes to making the decision about choosing a life partner, no one wants to make a mistake. Yet, with a divorce rate of close to 50 percent, it appears that many are making serious mistakes in their …
check out some of photos taken during a trip down to Melaka during the Raya holiday 🙂 click on the photo to see the full album..Enjoy !
Your brain never stops working. But it does cease talking to itself when you lose consciousness, a new study shows. Scientists have long wondered what the brain does and doesn’t do during deep sleep. It remains active, they know. So what’s the difference between consciousness and the lack of it? When we’re awake, different parts …
“Diamond energy water” which is highly contaminated with bacteria that causes malfunctioning of colon… many have been affected, especially growing number in singapore & malaysia… One of the victim actually brought the so called filtered water to be examined and found a very high content of bacteria which is harmful for the colon… Check out …
What makes for a great webpage? Wouldn’t you like to know the main ingredients for creating a superior webpage? What basic elements you must have if you want a solidly designed webpage? A webpage that will stand out and be noticed by your visitors. One that will keep those visitors returning to your site, again …
we had a farewell lunch for Agnes last Friday at Kim Gary.. and got back my car after fixing my front bumper.. some guy bang my car while it was parked nicely, cost me RM550 🙁