Leadership – A Part for Everyone But David said, “My brethren, you shall not do so with what the Lord has given us, who has preserved us and delivered into our hand the troop that came against us. For who will heed you in this matter? But as his part is who goes down to …
Month: June 2007
Joel been creating profitable websites since 1995. As co-creator of Yahoo! Games and owner of dozens of additional websites, his expertise covers everything from web hosting, domain registration and search engine optimization to creating content, generating traffic and monetizing sites. He authored several ebooks, hosted teleseminars and spoken at seminars and private workshops. Here’s a …
I love this song from Fort Minor, very cool.. love the rap and rhythm.. Enjoy 🙂
keke… this is a very cute and funny skeleton dance.. Enjoy 😀
It is not enough to successfully ask your prospects questions to gain information about what their needs and wants are. You must also tune in and listen to what they are saying. I have never heard of anyone missing a sale because of listening to the prospects` needs, wants, and desires. Interestingly enough, the more …
When it comes to SEO not all of us have the time to be experts. At some point the real “gurus” of SEO and other topics are the people with a whole lot of time on their hands. This list, put together with the everyday webmaster in mind, drives home some absolutely crucial points that …
Quotes, Weekly Quote, Funny Quotes, Crazy Quotes, Dolly Parton, Homer Simpson,Ray Romano, Milton Berle, Charlie Brown, Socrates, Joey Adams, Katherine Hepburn, Joey Adams