The funniest 6 minutes I ever seen! Remember how many of these you have done! Judson Laipply is dancing all thru the years.. Visit for more info including song list!
Month: November 2007
Kingdom Taekwondo Acedemy Self Defence Seminar Schedule for Nov 30th to Dec 2nd at Fraser Hills..
Check out some of these very cool and creative CD cover designs 😀
My car is quite old already..making lots of funny noises lately 😛 I’m thinking should I get a new car?? anyway here’s are some funny reasons why you should buy a new car 😀 – You lose the stoplight challenge to a 14 year old on a moped. – Instead of an air bag, there …
went to try out some Thai dishes at Restoran Thai in PJ Old last week to celebrate David and Mei Peng birthday .. yumm yuummm 😛
Relationships at the secure level validate us and help us to become more comfortable with who we are and to discover our gifts and talents. Solid relationships add value to us so that our talent is actually enhanced. Our solid friends tell us the truth in a supportive way. They keep us grounded. If we …
In his book My Personal Best, John Wooden writes, €œThere is a choice you have to make in everything you do, so keep in mind that in the end, the choice you make makes you. Nowhere is this more evident than in your relationships. Nothing will influence your talent as much as the important relationships …
Another birthday celebration and hangout 🙂 Happpy Birthday Wai Yee 🙂
Taegeuk Sam Jang represents the symbol Yi [pronounced yee], which means the fire and sun. Yi represents the warmth and brightness of the sun’s light, giving man hope and enthusiasm. It also symbolizes the brightly burning passion for training. Therefore, this form should be performed with power and passion. Watch video clip to practice..
A team of U.S. counter-terrorism investigators set out to find the perpetrators behind a deadly attack on Americans in a Middle Eastern country. In order to work through the bureaucracy and cultural hostility, the team enlists a local police officer. Watch the movie trailer..