A train travelling 55 mph on a railroad track can crash through a 5-foot thick steel-reinforced concrete wall without stopping. That same train, starting from a stationary position, won’t be able to go through an inch-thick block in front of the driving wheel. It is never the size of your problem that is the problem. …
Month: July 2009
got this mail from GoDaddy for 20% Off your order and also 10% off for Godaddy.com Linux Web Hosting 🙂 Click on the link or the banner below to save when purchasing a new Domain 🙂 Domain Sale! $7.49 .com at GoDaddy Now is the time to expand your Web presence with Go Daddy! Act …
for those who haven’t heard about it yet..here’s 10 reasons why FIREPROOF should not be missed 🙂
Here’s the trailer of Samuel Goldwyn Films‘ FireProof Movie that the Fireproof Marriage Workshop is based on.. Enjoy the full movie trailer at the end of this post 😀 At work, inside burning buildings, Capt. Caleb Holt lives by the old firefighter’s adage: Never leave your partner behind. At home, in the cooling embers of …
Perseverance is not an issue of talent. It is not an issue of time. It is about finishing. Talent provides hope for accomplishment, but perseverance guarantees it. Running Past Failure As a small child, Vonetta (Jeffrey) Flowers dreamed about being in the Olympics. She ran everywhere she went, and gained a reputation among her school …
Some amazing 3D Pavement art by Edgar Mueller. A Master of street painting uses the street as a canvas. If one looks from the right spot, its three-dimensional painting becomes the perfect illusion. He paints over large areas of urban public life and gives them a new appearance, thereby challenging the perceptions of passers-by. Enjoy …
Another cool tips from Google’s Inside Adsense Blog on how to maintain an AdSense-friendly site through Prevention & Monitoring 🙂 These days, user-generated content is everywhere, from the comments below newspaper articles, to the photos and videos shared on social networks. So it’s no surprise that many publishers are monetizing this type of content with …
Here’s some tips for Adsense Publishers on how to ensure that your website adhere to AdSense policies. Read on .. 🙂 Many of our publishers regularly ask what is exactly considered adult or mature content by AdSense policies. It’s a lot easier to understand when we speak about family-safe content. As you may already know, …
Check out this Funny Tabbouleh Song.. btw, Tabbouleh (Arabic: تبولة tabūla; ; also tabouleh or tabouli) is a Levantine Arab salad dish, often used as part of a mezze. Its primary ingredients are finely chopped parsley, bulgur, mint, tomato, scallion, and other herbs with lemon juice, olive oil and various seasonings, generally including black pepper and …
Determination “We will either find a way or make one.” ~ Hannibal, Carthaginian General “The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of determination.” ~ Vince Lombardi “It’s a little like wrestling a gorilla. You don’t quit when you’re tired. …