Here’s 10 tips to manage your emotions to get results by Doris Kovic. 1. Identify and name your emotions. Check in with yourself several times a day to notice how you are feeling. If you find yourself using general words like fine, OK, or good to describe your emotions, push yourself to be more specific …
Month: July 2009
We all know that search engines are very important for the success of a website. Almost 85% of new internet users find good websites by using a reliable search engine like Google. Search engines like Google fight to index thousands of pages of content found on the internet in the right order depending on several …
Fear has been correctly identified with the acrostic False Evidence Appearing Real. The truth is that if we think something is to be feared, that perception becomes the cruelest form of reality. A second-grade boy was overheard saying, €œIt`s easy to be brave when you`re not scared. By the same token, it`s easy to talk …
Check out these 10 Most Poisonous Animals in the World these interesting animals from a forwarded mail from my dad which I found is actually from 1. Box Jellyfish (Image credits: jlambusphotography) The top prize for €œThe World Most Venomous Animal, would go to the Box Jellyfish. It has caused at least 5,567 …
Social networking using Twitter seems to be the most popular way to connect today, from celebrity Ashton Kutcher‘s challenge to Oprah to reach one million friends first (Ashton won) to a U.S. State Department official contacting the co-founder of Twitter to delay upgrading the Twitter system so as not to interrupt election dialogue in Iran. …