Is there a science to producing your best work for the world? Well Steven Kotler didn’t just write the book on the subject, he wrote several. These bestsellers include The Rise of Superman, Abundance, Bold, and Stealing Fire. He’s even been nominated for the Pulitzer Prize for his contributions on the subject. And now, in his newest work, he takes a close look at one important habit. It’s an important habit that all peak performers have.
It’s what gives them an advantage on everybody else: The habit of ferocity. In this video, Vishen shares 5 principles from Steven Kotler that cultivate this habit and 5 case studies that prove that anyone can apply them straight away.
1. Motivation (your bigger why)
2. Flow
Have a challenge that is above your skill level. (Optimal level is 4%). Who do you want to become? Keep setting your sights higher. Challenges keep you excited and grow.
3. Risk taking.
Set a goal that must have a 50% chance of failing. No dishonour in failing.
4. Learning.
Study and grow; teach others and also help the company to become valuable.
5. Grit.
Practice gratitude to overcome stress and roadbumps. Passionate perserverence!
Want to learn directly from Steven Kotler himself? Sign-up for his FREE masterclass here ?
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