7 Steps to Traffic from Google Groups

7 steps to Traffic from Google Group

Google Groups as a communication tool is plenty fun and useful, as is. But can you get a bit of a traffic boost as well? Sure. Maybe not in the way you think€¦

1. Join

Join Google Groups if you haven’t already. Join discussions if you haven’t in a while. It’s going to be more difficult to apply theory to an experience you haven’t had. The Google Groups experience is similar to participating in forums, but it’s not exactly the same thing.

And, as we say in Vegas, you can’t win if you don’t play.

2. Participate

You’re not going to make much happen by lurking. Say something smart. Get to know other people. Start a group of your own in an area that’s needed and invite people you know.

Not an expert? So what. Ask questions instead and expand your knowledge. If you don’t want to become a guru, you can always find one to interview through Google Groups and then post it on your site as a traffic draw.

And guru or not, the more your name is out there, the more people will be curious about your profile, or your link, and end up at your site.

3. Leave a link in your signature €“ where appropriate

In some Google Groups, such as those set up for article distribution, you’ll be encouraged to leave your link. In others, you may be specifically asked not to do so. Learn the rules of each group and abide by them.

4. Fill out your profile.

This is new at Google Groups. There’s a space where you can talk about yourself, and put your web link. No matter how restrictive the group is about web links, no one can keep you from putting your link in your profile.

Remember to be specific about what you do at some point in your “About Me” space.

5. Find Groups that are made for promotion and networking

How? Search for phrases like “submit articles”, “network” or “promote”. Groups that have these in their description are going to be of great help to you. Then sort by topics you’re interested in or knowledgeable about as well.

Once you find these groups, don’t be afraid to jump in and take action. Read the guidelines if the group has them, and dive right in-that’s why they were created.

6. Identify Your Fellow Power Users

Few people talk about this step. I find though, that a great way to learn the smart thing to do is to look at what the people smarter than me are doing, not to mention how they’re getting things done..

Many of these power users are your competition outside of Google Groups, or people you’ll want to partner with there and elsewhere, whether they’re moderators, owners, or just really active participants

Be the person who brings something to the table and it could mean many future opportunities to publicize yourself.

7. Stealth Study

This is a more in-direct method. Put some creative thought behind it, and it will give you priceless insight into what your potential clients want. It might even help you decide what your next product’s focus should be.

In the top navigation of Google Groups, next to your name, you should see a link for “My Groups”. Within the menu, you should see an envelope next to a link that says “Group Alerts”. (If you have Google Alerts, you can also get to this from there.)

You can set this up to send you an email every time a certain topic is mentioned in a Google Group discussion. Then you can quickly join the discussion if you can provide the answer, or just make your own private knowledge base of common questions.

I like to think of Google Groups as a neighborhood of communities. The central point of its existence is discussion, but there’s no problem with posting the signs to where a discussion can be continued elsewhere – so long as you don’t litter the street with your flyers.

Source : Site-reference

[tags]Web Traffic, Adsense, Tips & Tricks, SEO, Generate Traffic, Google Groups[/tags]

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