Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs was originally titled “Star Musketeer Bismarck” when released in Japan. World Event Productions purchased the rights and rewrote the show, using much of the original material, and it became the popular space-western Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs. The good guys used their robotic transportation to transform into a gigantic robot named Ramrod whenever they had to take on a Desperado unit, another type of large robot.
Saber Rider is the leader of the brave Star Sheriffs, including Colt, April, Fireball and Commander Eagle. The Saber Riders protect the planetary pioneers from the Outriders. The Outriders are strange spirit/gas-like beings from space. Enjoy the theme song from Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs series below 🙂
Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs Theme Lyrics
Saber rider
Saber rider
And the star sheriffs
Saber rider
And the star sheriffs in the sky
Can you feel the thunder inside?
Saber rider
Make a lightning crack as you ride!
Saber rider
(guitar solo)
Saber rider
Saber rider and the star sheriffs
Saber rider and the star sheriffs
In the sky
Saber rider
(guitar solo)
Your destiny will lead you
To where’ver people need you
Though danger may have found you
You have your friends around you now now now now
Saber rider
And the star sheriffs
Saber rider
And the star sheriffs in the sky
Saber ri-i-der
In Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs – A highlight of every episode is Ramrod’s transformation from an airborne battleship into a giant robot. When the Ramrod Equalizer Unit undergoes the “Challenge Phase” it calls out its rallying cry in a heavy Western drawl, “Head ’em up, move ’em out. Power stride and ready to ride!” The Ramrod vehicle will transform into a giant robot packing an oversized six-shooter at the hip, and appears to be wearing a cowboy hat and a cape. In “Maverick Quick-draw” mode, an array of assorted cannons will be deployed at Ramrod’s chest, delivering the final blow to send an Outrider “Desperado Unit” back to the Vapor Zone.
[tags]Saber Riders, Star Musketeer Bismarck, World Event Productions, WEP Cartoons, Ramrod , Desperado unit, Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs , Colt, April, Fireball, Commander Eagle, YouTube, Japanese Anime, Cool Stuff, Classic 80s Animation, Japanese Anime, Maverick Quick-draw, Cartoon Remake[/tags]