Heroes is an American science fiction drama television series, created by Tim Kring, which premiered on NBC on September 25, 2006 . Here’s Episode 01 of the latest Heroes season 2 .. Enjoy!!!
The show tells the story of several people who thought they were like everyone else€¦ until they woke with incredible abilities such as telepathy, time travel and flight. These people soon realize they have a role in preventing a catastrophe and saving mankind. The series follows the writing style of American comics with short, multi-episode story arcs that build upon a larger, more encompassing arc. Even with small story arcs that move the story forward, Kring said €œwe have talked about where the show goes up to five seasons”
Heroes Season 2 Episode 1 – Part 1
[kml_flashembed movie="http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XODkwMDM2MA==/v.swf" width="470" height="360"/]
Heroes Season 2 Episode 1 – Part 2
[kml_flashembed movie="http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XODkwMDQyMA==/v.swf " width="470" height="360"/]
[tags]Heroes, Season 2, Episode 1, Four Months Later, Action, Series, Kring, TV[/tags]