ohh noo… I’m putting a lot of weight lately.. too much eating and too little exercise…I think it’s bout time to go on diet and also start doing more exercise before the weight keep on gaining 🙁
I got a e-book on how to reduce my tummy and start developing 6-packs..and reading bout it now and see how to in-cooperate my time to follow as instructed by the e-book..
<-- possible or impossible??
duno if I can really lost that much of weight, but will give it a try la.. as today my weight is 95 Kg 😮
will blog more on my weigh in 1 month time.. 😛
in mean time..
i just feel something like tis
or like this
so lazy to move now.. keke.. 😛
[tags]Health, Fat, Diet, Fat Cat, Obese, Crash weight, Weight Watch, Personal, Lose Weight, fat dog, 6 packs, stomach, e-book, lazy dog, Strict Diet, Fasting[/tags]