Taekwondo: WTF Taekwondo Taegeuk Chil Jang (7th Poomse) Mountain

Taekwondo: WTF Taekwondo Taegeuk Chil Jang (7th Poomse) Mountain - YouTube, Vidoe, Clip, How To, Learn Martial Arts, Korean, TKD, Kingdom Taekwondo Acedemy, Sports Time for Taekwondo exam again.. we are now at Taegeuk Chil Jang (7st Poomse) . This poomsae represents a Mountain and also represents the northwest and youngest son. The symbolism behind the mountain is the indomitable and majestic nature that all mountains possess. This Poomsae is intended to be performed with the feeling that all movements are this majestic due to their unconquerable nature. Watch the clip below :

WTF Taekwondo Taegeuk Chil Jang (7st Poomse) Mountain Diagram

Taekwondo exam, Taegeuk Chil Jang,7st Poomse, Mountain, poomsae , YouTube, Vidoe, Clip, How To, Learn Martial Arts, Korean, TKD, Kingdom Taekwondo Acedemy, Sports

Man cannot climb a mountain in haste, but must plan his path and know when and where to stop and rest. This form should be executed freely with occasional fast actions, but knowing where and when to stop. good luck everyone !

[tags]Taekwondo exam, Taegeuk Chil Jang,7th Poomse, Mountain, poomsae , YouTube, Vidoe, Clip, How To, Learn Martial Arts, Korean, TKD, Kingdom Taekwondo Acedemy, Sports, Tae Kwon Do, Exam, Taguek[/tags]

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