Here’s some tips for Adsense Publishers on how to ensure that your website adhere to AdSense policies. Read on .. 🙂
Many of our publishers regularly ask what is exactly considered adult or mature content by AdSense policies. It’s a lot easier to understand when we speak about family-safe content. As you may already know, only ads classified as family-safe will be displayed on AdSense publisher websites.
Our policy regarding adult or mature content may include any material that is not appropriate for all audiences. While this obviously includes full nudity or sexual activity, it may also include textually explicit sexual content, image or video content containing lewd or provocative poses, strategically covered nudity, see-through or sheer clothing, and close-ups of anatomy that would be inappropriate if shown nude. Additionally, topics such as sexual health and sex tips may be held to a higher standard of professionalism than content that isn’t bordering on mature.
While it’s not a sure test, we sometimes suggest that publishers ask themselves the following questions to determine if content is family-safe: Would I be comfortable viewing this content with my parents or children in the same room? Would I feel comfortable viewing this content if my boss walked up behind me while I had this content on my screen? If the answer to either of these questions is no, then it is likely that some advertisers would not be comfortable showing their ads on such content and we might consider it mature.
Source: Inside Adsense
[tags]Google AdSense, Tips, Tricks, Earn Money Online, Web Marketing, Blogging, Blogger, Spamming, Prevention, Adsense, comments, Ad Sense forums, Porn, Dangerous Site, AdSense-friendly site, website generation, MMO, PPC, pay Per Click, sexually explicit [/tags]