Check out some of these metal sculptures by Johan Jonsson. Pretty amazing contemporary sculptures in mixed media [metal, wood, fabrics, tar, leather, wire, welding filler, rust]; there’s also a retrospective section with art work in barbed wire and cernit polymer clay.
“Anger Management”
The sculptures are usually constructed out of items, or parts of items [normally used, and mostly broken items] and out of welded metal.
“Junk art” might be the term when it comes to choice of “material”. When it comes to raw artistry, terms like “outsider art” or “art brut” seem better suited.
“The bathing”
“The Kiss”
The J-Finger
“The Recycling”
“Women Run Ferries”
Artist Contact Info
Johan Jonsson
Hällbruksgatan 14
974 35 Luleå
+46 920 18226
[tags]Metal sculpture, Art, Sweden, Metal Art,Johan Jonsson, Anger Management, Recycling, Junk, Kissing, J Finger, Creative, Junk Art,The Recycling,The Kiss, Bathing, Laika, Cheesecake, Boys, Absence[/tags]