Water – The Beverage Your Body Needs Most Drinking water is so important for good health. When you were a kid in school, you learned that each molecule of water is made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. You may also have learned that it was great fun to fill up your …
If someone granted you one wish, what do you imagine you would want out of life that you haven’t gotten yet? For many people, it would be self-improvement and knowledge. New knowledge is the backbone of society’s progress. Great thinkers such as Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin, Albert Einstein, and others’ quests for …
There can be no good commerce without proper marketing. Marketing campaigns are a must for businesses wishing to boost their sales. Online marketing has become more and more a distinctive and important aspect in the development and evolution of any company, big or small, which aims at reaching a specific range of potential customers.
Search engine optimization (SEO) is a set of methods aimed at improving the ranking of a website in search engine listings. (Wikipedia) This definition of SEO sounds simple, but beware! Search engine optimization is a minefield, even for professionals, and although necessary to a business, should not be undertaken lightly. Below, is a brief look …
Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising is quickly becoming the fastest and most effective way to reach the top search engine rankings for given key words and phrases. The concept is simple – we pay or bid competitively, for the placement within each search phrase. While many of the search engines still have free inclusion, this …
That may have been the definition of a good relationship years ago, but now most people want more. Following are 10 signs of a healthy relationship. KINDNESS Is kindness more important to each of you than having your way, being in control, or being right? Do you each receive joy out of being …
According to that great medical journal (The Readers Digest!), speaking in front of a group of people is still the number one fear in America today! The following three suggestions may help you deal with that fear. These will assist you when speaking to 2 or 20 or 200! 1. Preparation compensates for a lack …
Please note the following : CANCER : Not all cancers are the same. 1/3 is curable. 1/3 is preventable. 2 factors of cancer that cannot be controlled are AGE & FAMILY HISTORY. CAUSES OF CANCER: 1. Smoking is very often the main cause of cancer. It kills us silently and drains money from us quietly. …
Lately, I’ve been talking to few people about the 5 love language which is important when it comes to relationship..here’s a short description about what this 5 love language is about..We all know that the greatest commandment is to love. However, relatively few of us know how to express our love in the heart …
I was looking for an all in one video converter to convert some funny video for my iPod and found this software, it`s really good coz it support loads of different types of files.. check it out if u plan to do some video conversion and don`t have any software to do it..It`s called Total …