Tips & Tricks

5 Principles (Proven by Science) That Instantly Boost Your Performance at Work | Vishen Lakhiani MindValley

Is there a science to producing your best work for the world? Well Steven Kotler didn’t just write the book on the subject, he wrote several. These bestsellers include The Rise of Superman, Abundance, Bold, and Stealing Fire. He’s even been nominated for the Pulitzer Prize for his contributions on the subject. And now, in …

Health: Foods That Fight Cancer

Over the years, various studies have suggested that people who regularly consume cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, cabbage, turnips, bok choy, etc.) have lower rates of many cancers, including breast and prostate cancer. Researchers have investigated cruciferous vegetables in an attempt to identify the active agent(s) that account for this cancer-protective effect. As it …