Cool Stuff : Bobby Duke Arts Turning a Stainless Steel Bolt into a Beautiful little Hunting Knife

Bobby Duke Arts,Turning-Stainless-Steel-Bolt-Hunting-Knife-Legionnaire-Bowie-Expendables2-11
check out how Bobby Duke Arts Turning a Stainless Steel Bolt into a Beautiful little Hunting Knife. The Original knife is the “Legionnaire Bowie” from The Expendables 2 movie, designed by Gil Hibben.

Bobby Duke Arts,Turning-Stainless-Steel-Bolt-Hunting-Knife-Legionnaire-Bowie-Expendables2-10

Bobby Duke Arts,Turning-Stainless-Steel-Bolt-Hunting-Knife-Legionnaire-Bowie-Expendables2-10

Bobby Duke Arts,Turning-Stainless-Steel-Bolt-Hunting-Knife-Legionnaire-Bowie-Expendables2-10

Bobby Duke Arts,Turning-Stainless-Steel-Bolt-Hunting-Knife-Legionnaire-Bowie-Expendables2-10

Bobby Duke Arts,Turning-Stainless-Steel-Bolt-Hunting-Knife-Legionnaire-Bowie-Expendables2-10

Bobby Duke Arts,Turning-Stainless-Steel-Bolt-Hunting-Knife-Legionnaire-Bowie-Expendables2-10

Bobby Duke Arts,Turning-Stainless-Steel-Bolt-Hunting-Knife-Legionnaire-Bowie-Expendables2-10

Bobby Duke Arts,Turning-Stainless-Steel-Bolt-Hunting-Knife-Legionnaire-Bowie-Expendables2-10

Bobby Duke Arts,Turning-Stainless-Steel-Bolt-Hunting-Knife-Legionnaire-Bowie-Expendables2-10

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Mini Maui’s Hook Tutorial!

I Carve A Landscaping Rock (and other shenanigans)

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#CoolStuff #BobbyDukeArts #StainlessSteel #Bolt #Beautiful #HuntingKnife #DisneyMoanaHook #DIY #Art  #Handicraft #LegionnaireBowie #DeadpoolKantana #amazing #peopleareawesome

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