Leadership: Passing the Trust Test & How to Add Value to Others

Passing the Trust Test & How to Add Value to Others Model consistency, honest communication, Value transparency, Exemplify humility , support , Fulfill Promises,

Among leaders who lack insight, abuse abounds, but for one who hates corruption, the future is bright. ~Proverbs 28:16(The Message)

>People today are desperate for leaders, but they want to be influenced by someone they can trust, a person of good character. If you want to become someone who can positively influence other people:

1. Model consistency of character. Solid trust can only develop when people can trust you all the time

2. Employ honest communication. To be trustworthy, you have to be like a good musical composition: your words and music must match.

3. Value transparency. If you’re honest with people and admit your weaknesses, they appreciate your honesty. And they are able to relate to you better.

4. Exemplify humility. People won’t trust you if they see that you are driven by ego, jealousy, or the belief that you are better than they are.

5. Demonstrate your support of others. Nothing develops or displays your character better than your desire to put others first.

6. Fulfill your promises. One of the fastest ways to break trust with others is in failing to fulfill your commitments.

How to Add Value to Others

“And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease among the people.” ~ Matthew 4:23

When people think about you, do they say to themselves, “My life is better because of that person”? Their response probably answers the question of whether you are adding value to them. To succeed personally, you must try to help others. That’s why Zig Ziglar says, “You can get everything in life you want if you help enough other people get what they want.” How do you do that? How can you turn your focus from yourself and start adding value to others? You can do it by:

1. Putting others first in your thinking.
2. Finding out what others need.
3. Meeting that need with excellence and generosity.

[tags]Leadership, John C Maxwell, Model consistency,Positively influence, Honest communication, Value transparency, Exemplify humility , support , Fulfill Promises, Leading, God, Bible, Trust Test, How to, Add Value, Excellence , generosity[/tags]

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