Lost: Watch Free Streaming Lost S04E12 – There’s No Place Like Home Pt. 1

Lost: Watch Free Streaming Lost S04E12 - There's No Place Like Home Pt. 1, Lost, season 4, episode 11, episode 12 Watch the final 2 hours season 4 of Lost. Episode 12 There’s No Place Like Home Part 1. The face-off between the survivors and the freighter people continues, and the Oceanic Six find themselves one step closer to being rescued. Enjoy 😀

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An airplane flies through blue skies. The co-pilot brings out his lucky rabbit’s foot, and the pilot chastises him for freaking him out. The co-pilot says with the cargo they’re carrying, it’s bad mojo. The pilot turns to Karen Decker, Oceanic rep, and tells her they’re ready to land. Karen walks back to the cargo hold to the Oceanic 6. Karen explains that their families are waiting for them at the airport, along with the press. Jack speaks for the group, says they’ll talk to the press. Karen leaves, and Jack reminds the group they all know the story. If there’s a question they can’t answer, don’t say anything. Everyone will think they’re in shock. Sun tells him they are in shock.[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/sJr9wdwF6Hc" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

The plane lands, and they step off to a cheering crowd of Oceanic officials, Coast Guard luminaries, the press, and their families. It’s emotional as the survivors reunite with their families. Jack is enveloped into the arms of his mother. Sun hugs her parents, as does Hurley and his parents. There is no one there for Sayid, but Hurley grabs him into his family hug. Kate stands alone holding Aaron.

Lost: Watch Free Streaming Lost S04E12 - There's No Place Like Home Pt. 1, Lost, season 4, episode 11, episode 12

WHOOSH to the beach as the survivors look at the sat-phone Lapidus dropped out of the helicopter on his fly-by. Sun suggests they use it to call them, and Jack warns Faraday not to do anything stupid. Faraday hits some buttons, and suddenly they can hear the conversation from inside the helicopter. They overhear Keamy tell his team that they are moving out to the Orchid. Jack asks Juliet about it, but she doesn’t know what it is.Jack turns to Kate and asks her to go with him out to the chopper. Kate nods yes. Off to the side, Faraday tells Charlotte because Keamy’s team is going to the Orchid, that means they’re using the secondary protocol. He tells Charlotte they have to get off the island right now.

Jack and Kate follow the signal on the sat-phone through the jungle when they hear someone coming. Out of the brush marches Sawyer with Aaron and Miles. Kate asks where Claire is, and Sawyer explains she walked off alone into the jungle and is gone. Jack explains that they were following the helicopter’s signal, and Sawyer tells them Keamy’s wet team attacked them just like Locke said they would. Jack and Sawyer start to argue until Kate yells at them to stop. Jack tells them it’s his call since he put Sayid and Desmond on the chopper. He wants them to return to the beach and takes off alone. Sawyer gives Aaron to Kate and follows, telling Jack he ain’t dying alone. Kate, with Aaron, and Miles return to the beach.

Lost: Watch Free Streaming Lost S04E11 - There's No Place Like Home Pt. 1 Lost,Watch, Free Streaming, Lost S04E12,There's No Place Like Home,Part 1, Lost, season 4, episode 11, episode 12

WHOOSH back to the airport hanger for the Oceanic 6 press conference. Karen Decker reads a prepared statement to the gathered crowd. Based on the location of the crash in the Sunda Trench, the survivors were carried by ocean currents to an uninhabited island in the Lesser Sunda Islands called Membata. Ms. Austen’s baby was born on Membata. On day 103, a typhoon washed up the remnants of a fishing boat which included basic supplies and a raft. On day 108, the six survivors used the raft to journey to the island of Sumba, where they came ashore near a village called Manukangga. Then they were flown to Honolulu.

The press begins to shout questions to them. Jack tells them the crash happened so fast. A group of them got out an emergency door before the plane went down, then they floated on cushions for over a day before the current brought them to Membata. Someone asks if Sun’s husband made it off the plane. Sun pauses before answering and tells the press no, Jin never made it off the plane. Another reporter asks Kate about giving birth on the island, and Kate says scary. She tells them that Aaron is five weeks old. A reporter figures out that means she was six months pregnant when the Marshal arrested here, correct? Karen jumps up and says questions concerning Kate’s legal situation are off limits. Afterwards, they go backstage looking exhausted and shocked. Jack tells Kate she did well. Karen comes in and tells Sayid that someone outside says she knows him but she’s not on his list of family members. It’s Nadia. Sayid rushes out, and there she is, waiting for him.

Lost: Watch Free Streaming Lost S04E11 - There's No Place Like Home Pt. 1 Lost,Watch, Free Streaming, Lost S04E12,There's No Place Like Home,Part 1, Lost, season 4, episode 11, episode 12

WHOOSH to Sayid on the raft floating up to the beach camp. Everyone asks about Desmond, and Sayid says he’s waiting back on the freighter. Sayid tells them they have to leave immediately. The men in the helicopter are intent on killing them all. Juliet tells him that Jack and Kate just left to go to the helicopter.Hurley, Ben and Locke continue their trek through the jungle. Ben tells them they are going to a greenhouse to move the island, just like Jacob told Locke to do. Hurley is doubtful. If it’s so easy, why didn’t Ben just move it before the psychos with the guns got there. Ben tells him it’s dangerous and unpredictable. It’s a measure of last resort. They reach a certain spot, and Ben uncovers an old wooden chest. Inside is an old tin of crackers, a pair of binoculars and a large, dirty mirror. Ben takes the mirror and positions himself in relation to the sun. He sends a signal, glinting the sun off it, to a nearby ridge. Miles away something glints back. Locke realizes that Ben just sent a coded message to the Others and that it was received. He asks Ben what the message was, and Ben tells him none of his business.

At the beach, chaos reigns. Sayid wants to catch up with Jack and Kate, but Faraday wants to start ferrying people off now. He says he can have most people off by the time they return. Sayid agrees, and Faraday organizes the first group. Juliet insists that since Sun is pregnant, she is part of the first group. Then Kate returns with Aaron and Miles. She explains what’s going on, and Sayid offers to go back with her to find Jack and Sawyer. Kate hands Aaron to Sun and tells her to keep him safe.

Lost: Watch Free Streaming Lost S04E11 - There's No Place Like Home Pt. 1 Lost,Watch, Free Streaming, Lost S04E12,There's No Place Like Home,Part 1, Lost, season 4, episode 11, episode 12

WHOOSH to Sun, still pregnant, visiting her father in his office. Mr. Paik asks about the baby, but Sun tells him to stop pretending he’s interested. They both know he hated Jin. Mr. Paik is shocked Sun is talking to him like that. Sun tells him Oceanic paid the survivors a very significant settlement, and that morning she used the money to purchase half of his company. He ruined Jin’s life, and because of him, she and Jin were on that plane. So she holds her father and one other person responsible for Jin’s death.After she has her baby, they are going to talk about the plans for the future of their company.

WHOOSH to Hurley driving up to his house and finding the front door is ajar. No one’s home. Then he hears whispers. He approaches a set of doors, flings them open and surprise! His parents organized a birthday party for him. Hurley’s dad takes him out to the garage for his present: it’s the red Camaro all fixed up. His dad tells Hurley he worked on it as a memorial to him. Hurley is touched and climbs in. He looks down at the odometer and trip meter they’re the numbers. 48151.6 and 234.2. Hurley freaks out, and his dad tries to tell him it’s just a coincidence. Hurley says he doesn’t want it and runs off.

WHOOSH to the raft as it approaches the freighter and unloads the first group. Michael comes out and announces the engine is fixed. He is obviously the last person Sun and Jin expected to see. Desmond learns that there is a RF interference with the fathometer and they won’t be able to steer clear of the reefs.He searches the freighter and discovers a massive bomb with lots and lots of C-4 explosive hooked up to a complicated timing device and a radio receiver with a dormant red light and a glowing green light. He shows the others, and they immediately realize if the bomb goes off, the whole ship goes down.

Lost: Watch Free Streaming Lost S04E11 - There's No Place Like Home Pt. 1 Lost,Watch, Free Streaming, Lost S04E12,There's No Place Like Home,Part 1, Lost, season 4, episode 11, episode 12

WHOOSH to a church as Jack finally gives his father his long overdue memorial. As everyone leaves, a woman approaches Jack and tells him she thinks she is the reason his father came to Australia. Christian came to see his daughter. Her daughter. Jack says his father didn’t have a daughter, but the woman tells him to check his dad’s phone records. The strangest thing, though, is that their daughter was also on flight 815. Jack probably sat only a few rows from her, and he didn’t even know she was his sister. Her name was Claire. Jack is shocked. She tells Kate her son is beautiful, and then she leaves.

WHOOSH to the island where Jack and Sawyer follow the signal through the jungle and reach the chopper. Lapidus is there handcuffed to it. He tells them Keamy’s team went to the greenhouse to grab Ben, but once he’s free, he can fly everyone out of there. Sawyer asks what will happen to the other people with Ben, and Lapidus says nothing good. Sawyer tells Jack that Hurley is with Ben.
Lost: Watch Free Streaming Lost S04E11 - There's No Place Like Home Pt. 1 Lost,Watch, Free Streaming, Lost S04E12,There's No Place Like Home,Part 1, Lost, season 4, episode 11, episode 12
Kate and Sayid run through the jungle following a trail, and Kate stops, confused. The tracks are different and doubling back behind them. Sayid pulls his gun, swings around and orders the person to show themselves now. Richard Alpert steps out of the jungle, as do many, many more Others. Kate and Sayid are surrounded. Alpert takes their guns, and Kate and Sayid are now captives of the Others.
WHOOSH to the jungle where Ben suddenly stops Hurley and Locke. They’re at the Orchid station. Ben looks through the binoculars and points out that Keamy’s wet team is already inside waiting for him. Ben thinks for a moment and decides to give himself up. He gives Locke instructions on how to get down to the Orchid station underneath the greenhouse and then leaves. One by one the wet team members come out from their positions. Keamy steps out in front, and Ben turns himself in. Without saying a word, Keamy smashes the butt of his gun into Ben’s head, knocking him out. As Ben collapses BOOM. End of part one.

Lost: Watch Free Streaming Lost S04E11 - There's No Place Like Home Pt. 1 Lost,Watch, Free Streaming, Lost S04E12,There's No Place Like Home,Part 1, Lost, season 4, episode 11, episode 12

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[tags]Lost,Watch, Free Streaming, Oceanic Six, Lost S04E12,There’s No Place Like Home,Part 1, Lost, season 4, episode 11, episode 12, TV, ABC, Series, Locke, Sawyer, Miles, Benjamin Linus, Recap, Lost, Meet Kevin Johnson, The Economist, S04E08, ABC Network, Michael Giacchino, J.J. Abrams, Oceanic Six, Lost S04E12,There’s No Place Like Home,Part 1, Lost, season 4, episode 11, episode 12, TV, ABC, Series, Locke, Sawyer, Miles, Benjamin Linus, Recap, Lost, Meet Kevin Johnson, The Economist, S04E08, ABC Network, Michael Giacchino, J.J. Abrams,Oceanic Six [/tags]

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