Movie: Will Smith in Seven Pounds Movie Trailer

Seven  Pounds, Will  Smith, 2008 , Rosario  Dawson,  Michael Ealy, Redempdation, Barry  Pepper, Woody  Harrelson, Hancock, Legend, Happyness, YouTube, Movie Trailer, TOuching, Love I managed to catch this movie played by Academy Award® nominee, Will Smith called Seven Pounds, a moving movie.. a story about Ben Thomas (Will Smith) is an IRS agent with a fateful secret who embarks on an extraordinary journey of redemption by forever changing the lives of seven strangers . Enjoy the movie trailer below 🙂 [kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]
Will Smith, Seven Pounds, Academy Award, nominee, Academy Award® nominee, Seven Pounds, seven strangers,  IRS agent ,Ben Thomas

Storyline: Tim Thomas (Will Smith) was a gifted aerospace engineer with a beautiful wife and a lovely beach house. Then, while using his cell phone while driving, his car wandered across lanes and he became responsible for the deaths of 7 others, including his beloved wife.

Seven  Pounds, Will  Smith, 2008 , Rosario  Dawson,  Michael Ealy, Redempdation, Barry  Pepper, Woody  Harrelson, Hancock, Legend, Happyness, YouTube, Movie Trailer,Emily Posa , Rosario Dawson, tuuching, Love, 7 Pounds, seven strangers, Romance, IRS agent ,Ben Thomas Unable to forgive himself or raise the dead, Tim sets out to give “pounds of flesh” that will give new life to seven deserving individuals to make up for the seven lives he destroyed. Just as Antonio would have to die to pay Shylock the “pound of flesh” he demands, Tim intends to kill himself to atone for his sins.

Seven  Pounds, Will  Smith, 2008 , Rosario  Dawson,  Michael Ealy, Redempdation, Barry  Pepper, Woody  Harrelson, Hancock, Legend, Happyness, YouTube, Movie Trailer,Emily Posa , Rosario Dawson, tuuching, Love, 7 Pounds, seven strangers, Romance, IRS agent ,Ben Thomas

His brother Ben (Michael Ealy), who works for the IRS, is deeply concerned about his state of mind. Tim steals his brother’s IRS ID to access the IRS database and to find and meet people who he believes worthy of his gifts which includes body organs and material possessions. Holly Apelgren (Judyann Elder), Ezra Turner (Woody Harrelson), Connie Tepos (Elpidia Carrillo) and

Seven  Pounds, Will  Smith, 2008 , Rosario  Dawson,  Michael Ealy, Redempdation, Barry  Pepper, Woody  Harrelson, Hancock, Legend, Happyness, YouTube, Movie Trailer, TOuching, Love, 7 Pounds, seven strangers, Romance, IRS agent ,Ben Thomas Emily Posa (Rosario Dawson) are among those whom he identifies to help. Furthermore, Tim assumes his brother’s identity of “Ben Thomas” to personally investigate these people and verify that they are indeed the right people he should help. He has a plan for when he identifies his 7 beneficiaries that requires his best friend Dan (Barry Pepper) to see that his wishes are carried out after he is dead. Tim’s plan threatens to unravel when he begins to fall in love with one of the people he is trying to help.

Will Smith, Seven Pounds, Academy Award, nominee, Academy Award® nominee, Seven Pounds, seven strangers,  IRS agent ,Ben Thomas

Director: Gabriele Muccino
Writer: Grant Nieporte

Producter: Will Smith

Genres : Drama and Romance
Running Time : 2 hr. 3 min.
Release Date : December 19th, 2008 (wide)
MPAA Rating : PG-13 for thematic material, some disturbing content and a scene of sensuality.
Distributors : Sony Pictures Releasing
U.S. Box Office : $69,951,824
[tags]Seven Pounds, Will Smith, 2008 , Rosario Dawson, Emily Posa , Rosario Dawson, Michael Ealy, Redempdation, Barry Pepper, Woody Harrelson, Hancock, Legend, Happyness, YouTube, Movie Trailer, Touching, Love, 7 Pounds, seven strangers, Romance, IRS agent, Ben Thomas[/tags]

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