muahaha… this is a wonderful song taken from The Simpson Movie, if you watch the movie you can heard this song.. very creative and funny 😀
[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]
keke.. this is spider-pig in action 😛
[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]
The Simpsons Movie OST Tracklist
1. Simpsons Theme
2. Simpsons Movie/Trapped Like Carrots
3. Simpsons Movie/Doomsday Is Family Time
4. Simpsons Movie/Release the Hounds
5. Simpsons Movie/Clap for Alaska
6. Simpsons Movie/What’s an Epiphany?
7. Simpsons Movie/Thank You Boob Lady
8. Simpsons Movie/You Doomed Us All…Again
9. Simpsons Movie/…Lead, Not to Read
10. Simpsons Movie/Why Does Everything I Whip Leave Me?
11. Simpsons Movie/Bart’s Doodle
12. Simpsons Movie/World’s Fattest Fertilizer Salesman
13. Simpsons Movie/His Big Fat Butt Could Shield Us All
14. Spider Pig
15. Recklessly Impulsive
[tags] SpiderPig, Theme Song,The Simpson Movie,OST, Music[/tags]