News: Important changes to Windows Live Messenger

News: Important changes to Windows Live Messenger,msn buddy icon, MSN, Windows MSN, Messenger Microsoft Office Live Communications Server 2005 SP1 with public instant messaging (IM) connectivity enables IM capabilities between the Windows Live Messenger Service and corporate instant messaging systems. Messenger users can now IM the Messenger users they IM with today, as well as users of a connected IM system. As part of this service enhancement, you must now change the ID you are using for signing into Messenger in order to continue using this service.Please proceed with changing your sign-in ID if you received:

  1. An instant message from the Windows Live Messenger Service Staff
  2. An error message when signing in to Messenger
  3. Information that your company has just started using Microsoft Office Live Communications Server 2005

Click here to change your sign-in ID


  • Your updated sign-in ID will work with Messenger just like your current sign-in ID.
  • You’ll be able to select a new, unique sign-in ID.
  • You’ll be able to select from a list of available domains.
  • You’ll have full IM connectivity to the Windows Live Messenger Service.
  • Your Messenger contact list will stay the same.
  • Your new sign-in ID will work on all and Windows Live enabled sites.
  • If your current ID has a Hotmail or Windows Live Mail e-mail account associated with it, this e-mail account will automatically have all your existing e-mails and contacts that are stored in your old address.
  • If your current ID does not have a Hotmail or Windows Live Mail e-mail account associated with it, you will receive an e-mail account with your new address.
  • Windows Live Messenger Service will work unless your IT administrator has blocked its access.

Frequently Asked Questions

:: How will I be notified that I need to change my Messenger sign-in ID?

  • You may receive an instant message from the Windows Live Messenger Service Staff.The corporation that owns the domain you are using has reserved it for its company`s instant messaging system. If you receive an important service announcement from the Windows Live Messenger Service Staff that says you must change your sign-in ID in order to continue signing into Messenger, then you’re affected by this change. We recommend that you take this action immediately upon receiving the notification. The process to change your sign-in ID is simple. If you don’t make this change in the near future, you’ll receive an error message when signing in, and won’t be able to use the Windows Live Messenger Service until you change your sign-in ID.
  • You may receive an error message when signing in to Messenger.The corporation that owns the domain you’re using is reserving it for its company`s instant messaging system.
  • You may receive information that your company has just started using Microsoft Office Live Communicator 2005
    If your company has deployed Microsoft Office Live Communicator 2005, and the current sign-in ID you use has the same domain as your company, you will need to change your sign-in ID to continue using the Windows Live Messenger Service.

:: Who is affected by this change?
Those who have been notified in one of the following ways must change their sign-in ID:

  • You received an instant message from the Windows Live Messenger Service Staff.
  • You weren’t able to sign-in and you were directed to this page.

:: My company has recently implemented the Microsoft Office Live Communicator 2005 product. What are the benefits of continuing to use the Windows Live Messenger Service?
Messenger is a great way to both organize your personal contacts and stay connected outside of the office. With rich personalization and expression features, Messenger helps you communicate in a more meaningful way. Plus, with Windows Live, MSN Messenger, MSN Spaces, and Hotmail or Windows Live Mail integration, you`ll be able to stay in touch with friends and family no matter where your travel takes you.

:: My company has recently implemented Microsoft Office Live Communications Server 2005. How do I sign-in to Windows Live Messenger Service?
If your IT administrator has allowed its use, you can sign in to Windows Live Messenger with your current sign-in ID . If you sign in to Windows Live Messenger with a sign-in ID that contains a domain that is the same as your company`s name, you’ll need to change your sign-in ID

:: What will happen if I change my old sign-in ID to the new sign-in ID?
Once you change your old sign-in ID to a new sign-in ID, you will see a confirmation page. You’ll have to wait up to one hour for your Messenger contacts to be transferred. Once you`ve changed your sign-in ID, you’ll be able to sign in to Windows Live Messenger and any other or Windows Live enabled site, just like before. This new sign-in ID is for or Windows Live sign-in only.

:: If I change my old sign-in ID, will I need to tell all my contacts that my instant message name has changed?
No. Windows Live Messenger Service will take care of updating everyone`s contact lists with your new sign-in ID. Changing your sign-in ID will not change your Messenger display name, so if you use a friendly name, you’ll appear the same to your contacts. It may take up to one hour for the system to update your contacts. During this time, you may appear offline. In some instances, a user that has you as a contact may have to sign off and back in to see the change in your profile. Your new sign-in ID is for the Windows Live„¢ ID or Windows Live sign-in only.

:: If I change my old sign-in ID that has a Hotmail or Mail e-mail account, will all my e-mails and contacts be lost?
No. All of your old e-mails and contacts will be associated to your new sign-in ID and associated e-mail address. However, you do need to inform your contacts to send e-mails to your new e-mail address.

:: How long after I change my sign-in ID do I have to wait before instant messaging?
It takes up to one hour for your contact list to be transferred to your new address. As your contacts sign-in you’ll see them online. If contacts are online while your contact list is being transferred, they will appear offline to you when you sign in. You’ll see them online after they sign out of Windows Live Messenger Service and sign in again.

:: I have changed my sign-in ID. Why can`t I instant message with some of my contacts using Windows Live Messenger?
If the contact works at a company that has deployed a corporate IM system, and your contact`s address may have changed. To send an instant message to this contact, make sure that you have the correct sign-in ID and that the contact has access to Windows Live Messenger, or uses Microsoft Office Live Communicator 2005 with public IM connectivity.

:: I have changed my sign-in ID. Why do some of my contacts look offline when I know they’re not?
These contacts might have a sign-in ID where the domain is being used by an organization that has deployed a corporate IM system. To use Windows Live Messenger Service with these contacts, they’ll need to change the sign-in ID they use to sign in. The process is simple and does not require you to change your ID. You can refer them to this page for details.

:: Some of my contacts that use Microsoft Office Live Communicator 2005 look offline when I know they aren’t. Why is this happening?
You may have already had the sign-in ID of your contact in your contact list before they switched from using the Windows Live Messenger Service to Microsoft Office Live Communicator 2005. You must delete and re-add the ID to your contact list in order to associate the contact with the Microsoft Office Live Communications Server 2005 messaging service.

For example, Jane`s company has implemented Microsoft Office Live Communications Server 2005 instant messaging service and you have her ( on your contact list. Her instant messaging ID is used for her corporate IM account. You must delete and re-add the address to your contact list in order to continue communicating via Windows Live Messenger services.

[tags]News, Technical, Microsoft Office Live, Internet Communications,, Server 2005 SP1,instant messaging, IM, Windows Live Messenger Service , yahoo messenger, update, bug, email[/tags]

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