News: The All-New Yahoo! Search is Here! Search Assist Features

News: The All-New Yahoo! Search is Here!

Presenting the search engine that thinks outside the box. Yahoo! had launched their newest Search Assist! Go from to-do to done with these helpful new features:

€¢ Search Assist predicts what you seek, completes searches as you type, and helps you explore related concepts.
€¢ Ratings, user reviews, maps, and directions for local businesses are at your fingertips.
€¢ More complete info for popular searches on travel, movies, music, and sports.Be a better Searcher!
The new look..

News,Yahoo, Search Engine, All-New, Yahoo! Search, Technology

Introducing Yahoo! Search Assist.

Find exactly what you’re looking for quickly and effortlessly.
Knowing what you want is one thing. Knowing exactly the right words for it is another. That’s where Yahoo! Search Assist comes in. When you go to Yahoo! and search, it’s not like searching on other Web sites. It’s like you’re asking your friend. A smart friend, that is. Someone who knows where to find answers to everything under the sun. Check it out:News,Yahoo, Search Engine, All-New, Yahoo! Search, Technology,SEO, DotA, pjlighthouse

Get suggestions

When you type in the search box, Yahoo! Search Assist predicts what you’re searching for and offers you suggestions.

For example, say you’re interested in learning how you can save energy. When you search for “energy savings,” before you even finish typing, the search box expands to show you suggestions like “energy savings,” “energy savings tips,” “energy savings light bulbs,” and more. To scroll through all the suggestions, mouse over the arrows inside the box and click, or use the arrow keys on your keyboard. Once the suggestion you want to choose is highlighted, simply click your mouse button or hit the “enter” key on your keyboard.

Get suggestions, News,Yahoo, Search Engine, All-New, Yahoo! Search, Technology

Explore related concepts

After you type in your search, you’ll see your search results page. If you’d like to further your search, you don’t need to type in the search box again just click on the blue arrow below the search box. Yahoo! Search Assist shows your suggestions again, plus ways to expand your search with related concepts.

For example, when you search for “energy savings,” your related concepts include “energy use” and “energy star.” If you mouse over “energy star” and click on it, you get refreshed search results below. If you follow the links, you’ll learn about saving energy and saving money.

And that’s not all. Whenever you type in the search box, if you type slowly, Yahoo! Search Assist senses your hesitation and offers you suggestions right away. To scroll through them, mouse over the arrows inside the box and click, or use the arrow keys on your keyboard.

News,Yahoo, Search Engine, All-New, Yahoo! Search, Technology

You’re always in control

Turn off Yahoo! Search Assist any time you like. On, click the blue arrow below your search box and then click “Off.” Or if you’re on the search results page, go to the “Options” menu next to the search box and click “Turn Search Assist off.” When you decide to use it again, it’ll be ready and waiting to help just turn it back on.

[tags]Yahoo, News, Search Engine, All-New, Yahoo! Search, Technology, SEO, Google, Internet[/tags]

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