Someone ask me one day “What is this DotA that you all talking about?” Well, this is a brief explanation specially for those who are clueless about DotA 😛 What is DotA? DotA stands for Defense of the Ancients, it’s a free mod for Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne. The purpose of the game is …
 File: DotA Allstars 6.39 AI v 3.00 Author: Aeyah Size: 2755.3 KB. Modes: -ap, -ar, -lm, -rd, -mm, -tr, -dm, -vr, -rv, -mr, -du, -sp, -sh, -aa, -ai, -as, -id, -em, -sc, -np Yeah, this is Version 6.39 AI MAP by aeyah if you guys wanna try it out€¦ download now! You can also …
User are required to have a basic Warcraft III: Frozen Throne expansion pack. Best to update your Warcraft III: Frozen Throne to the latest version to prevent any version incompatibility. Click here to retrieve the latest version of Warcraft III: Frozen Throne. Finally, the DotA AllStars map that you desire to play. Step 1: I …
Even though there are a lot of game modes in DotA, the aim of the game remains unchanged, while the dynamics change a lot. In order to select the game mode, the following commands have to be typed by the blue player (usually the host) within the first 15 seconds of the game. -ap All …
 which baby are you ?? Check out the month below.. Jan Pretty/handsome. Loves to dress up. Easily bored. Fussy. Seldom shows emotions. Takes time to recover when hurt. Sensitive. Down-to-Earth. Stubborn. Repost this in 5 mins and you will meet someone new in 8 days that will perfectly balance your personality. Feb Abstract thoughts. Loves …
What is DotA? Defence of the Ancients (DotA) is one of the most popular custom maps for Warcraft III. Two versions were in wide circulation and use: DotA Allstars in English and CHAOS in Chinese. They differ greatly though based on the same framework of design. DotA is the most successful of a class of …