The aspiring young author was in need of hope. More than one person had told him to give up. “Getting published is impossible,” one mentor said. “Unless you are a national celebrity, publishers won’t talk to you.” Another warned, “Writing takes too much time. Besides, you don’t want all your thoughts on paper.”
Do you ever look at your life and wonder how you got where you are? Do you ever compare your life to your friends` or neighbors` lives? Do you ever wonder if you`ll ever reach those goals that you set for yourself or realize the dreams that you have? Me too. I`m a planner by …
Some interesting and wonderful thoughts…
Brain: An apparatus with which we think we think. ~Ambrose Bierce, Ever since our boys were small, my wife and I (John) have tried to help them learn about being financially responsible and aware. The world is not very kind to young adults who don`t understand money. I sometimes engaged the concepts in a joking …
Never Work Alone Paul chose Silas and departed, being commended by the brethren to the grace of God. And he went through Syria and Cilicia, strengthening the churches. ~ Acts 15:40-41 I want to share a secret with you. It’s the greatest principle I’ve ever learned in the area of developing others. Here it is: …
The Blind Spot An area in the lives of people in which they continually do not see themselves or their situation realistically. This unawareness often causes great damage to the people and those around them.
Overview Let`s do something uncomfortable: examine our hearts. Let`s search them for anger and its sources. Based upon the article by author Garret Keizer and many biblical passages, this study will help us do this€”if we let it.
7 Questions Skeptics Ask How to answer the tough Rusty Wright As the flight from Chicago to Dallas climbed in the sky, I became engrossed in conversation with the passenger to my left. “Aimee,” a French businesswoman, asked me about my work. On learning I was a Christian communicator, she related that a professing …