Here’s a very crazy funny version of Berlin’s Take My Breath Away, the soundtrack from Top Gun sung by some kitty cats.. Enjoy 😀
How to spend less money on gas? How to drive a car easily and safely? Here are 10 brilliant driving hacks and secrets that will help you save gas money and drive your car like a pro.
Check out these mermaid pictures that my friend forwarded to me.. do you think it’s true?? It look a bit fake to me.. you never know, might be just some prank done by some guys who got nothin else to do 😛 See more of mermaid photos below..
Here’s some tips & tricks on How to improve your memory Make sure you understand the material. Comprehension vastly improves memory. Learn from the general to the specific. Start by reading the chapter heading, section headings, introduction and summary. You may also want to skim charts and diagrams and other bolded material. Then go back …
Lacking any information to the contrary, many businesses still think that all they need to do to get new clients is to put their name and face in the Yellow Pages or online social directories, get some professional looking business cards, a website and Voila! It’s the old adage “build it and they will come”. …
Whether you’re looking to do Paid Search Advertising yourself or to hire someone to do that for you – you should know what makes a Pay Per Click campaign successful – or you will end up suffering. Paid search advertising may look deceptively easy to do. Countless times small business owners decide (and correctly so) …
How Well Do You Really Know Your Website? If you`re like most webmasters, you have probably spent years building your site. You have spent years adding content, building links and cultivating traffÃc – but how well do you really know your website? How well do you know the intricate details of your website`s traffÃc? Where …
Search engine optimization (SEO) is a set of methods aimed at improving the ranking of a website in search engine listings. (Wikipedia) This definition of SEO sounds simple, but beware! Search engine optimization is a minefield, even for professionals, and although necessary to a business, should not be undertaken lightly. Below, is a brief look …
Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising is quickly becoming the fastest and most effective way to reach the top search engine rankings for given key words and phrases. The concept is simple – we pay or bid competitively, for the placement within each search phrase. While many of the search engines still have free inclusion, this …
SATAY LOVERS If you all eat satay, don`t ever forget to eat the cucumber, because eating satay together with carbon after barbequing can cause cancer. But we have a cure for that€¦ Cucumber should be eaten after we eat the satay because satay has carsinogen (a cancer causing element) but cucumber is anti-carsinogenic. So don`t …