Some really brilliant origami by Dave Brill.. see more of his craft here..
ehh..what’s this?? take a closer look and you will be surprise what is it! It’s a mini man with wings.. butterfly-man!! Do you think this is true?? check it out 😀
Truly an amazing pencil sculpture by Salavat Fidai Arts… loads of pencils are used just to create these sculptures. See more after the jump..
This is a flash animation I stumble upon some time ago.. its a kung-fu fight done using flash animation.. it’s really cool 🙂 enjoy!
My car having some problem lately, making lots of noise. I suspect the car bearing having some problem, need to get it fix again.. gonna cost me a bomb to fix it 🙁 anyway check out these cool mini cars..
Christmas is just around the corner.. thinking what gift to get for your kids or loved ones? Check out this cute and cool toy..the TMX Tickle Me Elmo 😀