Check out these cool paddy field art in Japan.. The tradition in the town of Inakadate, dates back to 1993. This artwork was created by planting different varieties of rice, including the purple and yellow-leafed Kodaimai rice and the green-leafed tsugaru-roman variety. Amazing!
Check out this amazing paper art done by Michael Velliquette. Sheets of multi-colored archival card stock are hand-cut then glued, working from background to foreground, onto a paper backing in successive layers. Narratives ranging from the intimate to the epic address ongoing philosophical quandaries of the human condition including questions of self, other, place, transformation …
Check out this creative artist that make horse sculpture out of driftwood. Her name is Heather Jansch and she lives and works in Westcountry of England. She even allow visitors to her gallery and studio throughout the year by appointment.
Looks like two really cute puppy? Take a close look, it’s actually puppies made out of flowers.. Amazing!
cool watermelon carving! I wonder how long the artist took to carve it on each watermelon.. it’s too beautiful to eaten! check them all out below.. đŸ™‚