Here’s a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) regarding SWINE INFLUENZA (SWINE FLU) that is hot on the news that I got from my e-mail. Hope this information is helpful to understand more and precaution that can be taken to prevent it from spreading.. There has been outbreaks of Swine Influenza (Swine Flu) reported first …
Here’s 2 health articles on VapoRub usage on children under 2 years old.. parent take precautions. Double click image below to read the details..
A new doctor had arrived in town. He could cure anything and anybody. Everyone was amazed with what he could do – everyone except for Mr. Thompson, the town skeptic. Grumpy old Mr. Thompson went to visit this ‘miracle doctor‘ to prove that he wasn’t anybody special. When it was time for his appointment he …
To address an emergency call a doctor came to see a rich patient at his home, who was screaming with extreme stomach pain and was surrounded by many anxious relatives. The Doctor kicked all the relatives out of the room, closed the door with patient and he inside.