Monster Energy Presents: Ken Block Gymkhana Two – The Making Of (Part 1 of 3) The Gymkhana video series took the world by storm, and Gymkhana Two has become one of the “most viewed” viral films of all time. Now go behind the scenes with Ken Block and Mad Media to see how it was …
Lyra Belacqua is an orphan who lives happily in Jordan College, Oxford, playing with local boys and terrorising the professors. However, when Lyra overhears scholars discussing a plot against her uncle, Lord Asriel, centering around a mysterious substance called Dust, her curiosity is roused. Soon Lyra is in over her head as she uncovers a …
Here’s the latest Harry Potter movie trailer, check it out.. will be watching it this weekend 😛 I watched Die Hard 4.0 yesterday.. superb show, load of action till the end.. go watch it if you haven’t seen it 🙂 Meanwhile, here some clip from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 🙂
As his fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry approaches, 15-year-old Harry Potter is in full-blown adolescence, complete with regular outbursts of rage, a nearly debilitating crush, and the blooming of a powerful sense of rebellion. It’s been yet another infuriating and boring summer with the despicable Dursleys, this time with minimal contact …