We can no longer ignore heart disease. While awareness is important, it`s time to take action now – to love and protect our hearts while maintaining healthier lifestyles. I encourage you to take simple, everyday steps to protect your hearts. ~ Karen Murray Heart disease kills more people than any other disease. According to the …
An Interesting Uric Acid Gout Problem Remedy using Papaya fruit forwarded by a friend.. Just try it if you’ve got uric acid after all no harm done.This is a really effective, just mix green papaya cubes to the ordinary green tea, my cousin-brother tried and found it very effective. I have also shared with …
Here’s Top 10 Natural Beauty Tips to keep a healthy and beautiful body 🙂 1. Brushing Up Make body brushing a part of your daily routine. Scrubbing out dirt and grime is the least of its advantages. Body brushing tones and stimulates skin, helping with the natural drainage of the lymph glands. It also helps …
I got a mail regarding AH1N1 virus would like to share.. JUST A SMALL BUT MEANINGFUL INFO FM ME TO YOU AND YR FRIENDS…MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE OF AH1N1 SINCE IT PRACTICALLY HIT US LIKE A TIME BOMB….. My staff was crying herself sick on Tuesday morning…was told that her son was confirmed of H1N1 in …