Among leaders who lack insight, abuse abounds, but for one who hates corruption, the future is bright. ~Proverbs 28:16(The Message) >People today are desperate for leaders, but they want to be influenced by someone they can trust, a person of good character. If you want to become someone who can positively influence other people: 1. …
Here’s a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) regarding SWINE INFLUENZA (SWINE FLU) that is hot on the news that I got from my e-mail. Hope this information is helpful to understand more and precaution that can be taken to prevent it from spreading.. There has been outbreaks of Swine Influenza (Swine Flu) reported first …
Time for Taekwondo exam again.. we are now at Taegeuk Chil Jang (7st Poomse) . This poomsae represents a Mountain and also represents the northwest and youngest son. The symbolism behind the mountain is the indomitable and majestic nature that all mountains possess. This Poomsae is intended to be performed with the feeling that all …
One of my favorite comedian Jim Carrey as a karate instructor teaching self defense techniques.. kekeke…try not to learn his techniques 😀 Enjoy the clip!
Check out these collection of Marvel X-men papercraft I stumble upon.. pretty cool 🙂
keke.. added a new category in my blog on dance 😛 Check out this dancing lesson on How to Moonwalk tutorial from very entertaining 😀
A very useful tools, Google Analytics for website owners provided by Google.. If you’ve just started to use Google Analytics and aren’t sure which reports to look at, this video provides a helpful 1st-time analysis walkthrough. You’ll learn how to interpret what you see in these key reports and what actions you should take as …
There have always been do-it-yourselfers succeeding at web promotion and search engine optimization. In fact, many of the established businesses offering web services today came from humble beginnings, perhaps nothing more than a college student with a laptop, an internet connection, and too much free time. The Web evolves as the result of the innovation …