kekeke… the BEST FLOW CHART ever , never seen a flow chart described so clearly 😀
Jun Sung Ahn playing violin/ dancing to Psy‘s new song Gangnam Style! 바이올린스타일!! Hope you guys enjoy! 🙂
Talk about mixed signals. When this gorgeous model uses motion-control technology, her Samsung Smart TV isn’t the only thing that reacts. Check out this funny TV ad from Samsung 😛
Check out how the Amazing Spiderman fights crime peacefully with his spider army.. lol… 😛
senQ 30 seconds television commercial with Samsung side-by-side refrigerator. Autobots transform!!
Check out this funny clip on “ABUDEN” produced by Jinnyboy.. Questions are a daily part of life, we ask them everyday. But what happens when you ask a question…that states the obvious? #ABUDEN can be used when stating the obvious, it is a way of saying “DUH!” in manglish.
One man, in search for a humble bargain, and another, who hates a man in search for a humble bargain. This short depicts the things a salesman would go through just to close a sale.
haha.. this one crazy funny viral TV ad.. Never say no to Panda! In this collection of commercials for Panda Cheese, a product of Egypt – people who say no to Panda Cheese learn that the decision comes with repercussions. Specifically, an not so happy panda shows up and ruins their day.
There was this young man who left his home in Texas at an early age, finally purchased his own ranch in Oklahoma. He invited his father out for a visit, and took him on a tour of the property. Driving along in the son’s pickup truck, a jack rabbit hopped onto the road in front …