Puasa (Fasting) can be tough. Check out these warriors parody of 300 movie.. watch and enjoy 😀
Do you know the song “Yesterday” by The Beatles ? Then sing along to this computer version. Yesterday, All those backups seemed a waste of pay. Now my database has gone away. Oh I believe in yesterday. Suddenly, There’s not half the files there used to be, And there’s a milestone hanging over me. The …
– When computing, whatever happens, behave as though you meant it to happen. – When you get to the point where you really understand your computer, it’s probably obsolete. – The first place to look for information is in the section of the manual where you least expect to find it. – When the going …
If Barack Obama was your boyfriend, he’d never let you go. lol 😀
 Introducing ARNI, an Alternative to Apple’s SIRI intelligent Voice Assistant Application! All the benefits of Siri, plus the added features of Arnold Schwarzenegger! Coming soon to the App Store. Watch and be amazed 😀
Don’t be fooled by their cuteness because they are really some crazy Jedi Kittens! Check out this cute and funny video clip of Star Wars Jedi Kittens 😀
Check out the latest 2011 Social Media High School Yearbook
Muahaha.. here’s a funny spoof of Backstreet boys‘s hits AS LONG AS YOU LOVE ME by some cina-bengs 😛