How do you know what type of content is really going to attract the right searchers? In this article I wanted to cover a few very basic tips that you can keep in mind when building high-performance strategies. Remember that good search engine marketing is not about trying to manipulate or “fool the search engines.” …
No matter how hard some people try to mystify SEO, it is not as complicated as many would lead you to believe. Despite all the techno jargon that many in the field will throw at you: SERPs, SEM, PageRank, Keyword Density, Vertical Search, Algorithms… SEO is really simple to do if you understand some basic …
How does a web page get ranked #1 on Google? There is no doubt that the methods of the 1990s no longer work – and most definitely, not since Google went public in 2004.Back then, the content of your website’s pages was the major factor. Today, however, having links on the Internet that point back …
If you haven’t started using Google Analytics on your website(s) or blogs, I highly highly recommend it. If you’ve set up an account but rarely look at it – I recommend you start looking. First of all – what is Google Analytics? Google Analytics is a free analysis tool which gives you information on where …
Here’s a very crazy funny version of Berlin’s Take My Breath Away, the soundtrack from Top Gun sung by some kitty cats.. Enjoy 😀
Are you fed up with feeling baffled by search engine optimization (SEO) because of jargon and poor practitioners? Do you feel you have been charged too much for less than you were promised? This two part article sets out to explain the process and put you back in control. If you have focused objectives and …
The most significant and perhaps the hardest part of website optimization is link building. Website promoters beat the bushes trying to discover the blooming valleys of premium quality links to pick up some juicy links there. However, it isn’t that easy and quite often all efforts may be in vain. But as the saying has …
After Google started using website speed as a parameter in their ranking algorithms every webmaster has a good reason to keep an eye on the page load speed of their website. Google‘s bending over backwards to spread the word about this new speed penalty is proof in itself since big G is usually very secretive …
First off don`t panic and remain calm. These things happen to website owners and business owners from time to time. If you feel that your website has been given some sort of Google penalty then the best thing you can do is to first stop any new online marketing and make a list of all …
In real estate, it’s location, location, location. In website design, it’s content, content, content… followed very closely by eye appeal, which is where a graphic designer can play a substantial role. The SEO (Search Engine Optimization) portion of a website’s foundation must be considered first to develop essential keywords. These keywords are then used throughout …