It’s a fact… people who are wealthy live in ways that make them that way. They don’t believe in car loans, wasteful spending or “easy” payments. Even though most people will never have the wealth of Bill Gates or Donald Trump, that doesn’t mean you can’t be wealthy if you work at it. In 2004, …
Check out this useful article I found that I believe can help you to achieve more in less time with just 6 simple tips 🙂 If you want to get the most from life you need to manage your time correctly. If you do you will get more done in less time, feel happier, less …
A group of American tourists walked through a quaint English village in wonderment. They were enamored by the town’s winding cobblestone streets, the beauty of its courtyards and plazas, and the sense of history emanating from its ancient churches. While strolling through the local park, the tourists struck up conversation with an elderly gentleman and …
 I heard a story about a man on vacation in Hawaii with his wife. He was a good man who had achieved a modest measure of success, but he was coasting along, thinking that he’d already reached his limits in life. One day, a friend was driving the couple around the island, showÂing them the …
A train travelling 55 mph on a railroad track can crash through a 5-foot thick steel-reinforced concrete wall without stopping. That same train, starting from a stationary position, won’t be able to go through an inch-thick block in front of the driving wheel. It is never the size of your problem that is the problem. …
As a child, when I misbehaved, I was sure to receive “The Look” from my father. I have vivid memories of the furrowed eyebrows and pursed lips of The Look. It makes me shudder just to remember it. The Look could cut right through my body and penetrate into my soul. There was nothing comforting …
As a two-year old toddler, Tiger Woods golfed on national television in a putting contest against Bob Hope. Shirley Temple had already won an Academy Award at age seven. Mozart composed a symphony before his eighth birthday. Surely the great talents are born and not made€¦right? A counterpoint to the stories of child prodigies can …
“Man is so made that whenever anything fires his soul, impossibilities vanish.” ~ Jean de la Fontaine “If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.” ~Charlotte Bronte “The first step toward success is taken when you refuse …
I found this interesting article about 7 secrets to a great Nap on Newsweek 🙂 Pining for the perfect siesta? A sleep doc tells us what you need to do for the best midday snooze. Naptime is not just for kindergarteners. A whole body of research shows that a midday snooze can increase productivity and …
WARNING! If you want to have a fantastic life,never engage yourself in these 7 deadly habits that incompetent people do. NUMBER 1 – They Think, Say, & Do Negative Things. Yup. They see problems in every opportunity.They complain that the sun is too hot. They cursed the rain for ruining their plans for the day. …