Here’s a very crazy funny version of Berlin’s Take My Breath Away, the soundtrackย from Top Gun sung by some kitty cats.. Enjoy ๐
Check out these mermaid pictures that my friend forwarded to me.. do you think it’s true?? It look a bit fake to me.. you never know, might be just some prank done by some guys who got nothin else to do ๐ย See more of mermaid photos below..
Photos of the group trip to Carey Island ๐ Here’s some facts from Wikipedia about Carey Island.. Carey Island or Pulau Carey is an island in Selangor, Malaysia. Carey Island is located to the south of Port Klang and north of Banting town. It is a huge island separated from the Selangor coast by the …
Some of beautiful flowers and cactus that I manage to take while in Cameron Highlands .. Enjoy ๐
from Boh tea plantation, we had dinner at Brinchang which is about 10 minutes drive from Tanah Rata. This is where you will find most of the hotels and restaurants.we tried out the special charcoal steambot, cost RM16 per person..
last Saturday, went up to Cameron Highland for a short retreat with my wife, it been quite some time since I went there , should be more than 15 years.. barely remember how Cameron Highland was like except the tea plantation. Here’s some photos from the trip ๐
got this forwarded e-mail from my dad..A scene we will probably never get to see.. This is the sunset at the North Pole with the moon at its closest point. You also see the sun below the moon.See the bigger photo below.. ๐
Some photos taken during a tour around Melaka town organised by my company during our very first team building ๐
Last week, had lunch at Hoe Peng Seafood Restaurant which is situated nearby KLIA in Sepang.. check out some of the dishes.. ๐
some of photo of Europe tour I went during honeymoon.. some photos of Paris…more to come ๐