Check out a time lapse video of Julian Beever creating the Aveeno Fountain of Youth chalk drawing in Union Square, NYC on 01/15/07. Amazing!
Looks like two really cute puppy? Take a close look, it’s actually puppies made out of flowers.. Amazing!
Check out some of these beautiful birds drawn by artist called Diane Pierce, she just use a simple pencil and yet the picture is so alive..Amazing! enjoy some of her works 🙂
Muahaha.. these are some Valentine cards that you hope you don’t receive on Valentine day 😛
My car having some problem lately, making lots of noise. I suspect the car bearing having some problem, need to get it fix again.. gonna cost me a bomb to fix it 🙁 anyway check out these cool mini cars..
Satoshi Kamiya (born 1981) is one of the most advanced origami masters in the world. From the time he learned origami at age two, Satoshi has made hundreds of origami models, his most famous being two dragons, one called the Divine Dragon Bahamut and the other called the Ancient Dragon. Satoshi based many of his …
Julian Beever is an English chalk artist who has been creating chalk drawings on pavement since the mid-1990s that create the illusion of three dimensions when viewed from the right location. These trompe-l’oeil drawings are created using a projection called anamorphosis and appear to defy the laws of perspective. Check out some of his works, …
Now you can doodle in 3D! Just place the pencils in the compass so the tips almost meet; blue in the left and red in the right and you`ll be ready to draw your double doodles.
Cartoonist C.W. Kee’s look at Malaysian life is just a little bit removed from the hard facts of reality. If anything, that slightly askew view tells us not to take things too seriously, and find humour even in the most dire situation. Kee’s World has been running in the pages of The Star’s Section 2 …
Some Creative Word Arts.. I guess the artist really love alphabets and words 😛