Weddings : Kong Yee & Anny Wedding Photos

Kong Yee & Anny Wedding Photos wedding, wedding, anny, groommsman, weddin kong yee, ann finally uploaded some photo from my digicam..more to come soon, to begin.. here’s Kong Yee and Anny wedding photos. It was a joyous occasion to see another couple moving on in life.. Congrats to you both ๐Ÿ™‚ See more photos below..

wedding car, bmw

I was the driver for the day, keke.. I got to enjoy driving a BMW for the first time ๐Ÿ˜›
After fetching the bride, we were at the hotel preparing for the wedding..

Kong Yee & Anny Wedding Photos wedding, wedding, anny, groommsman, weddin kong yee, ann Kong Yee & Anny Wedding Photos wedding, wedding, anny, groommsman, weddin kong yee, ann

Once done, we were off to church.. didn’t manage to take much photo since I have to drive around being the driver for the day.. some photos at the church..

Song Leader sing song wedding

Song performance from the song leaders ๐Ÿ™‚

wedidng, grrom and bridesmaid

wedding, groomsman and bridesmaid

wedding, groomsman and bridesmaid

wedding, groomsman and bridesmaid

wedding, groomsman and bridesmaid

wedding, groomsman and bridesmaid

wedding, groomsman and bridesmaid

wedding, groomsman and bridesmaid

wedding, groomsman and bridesmaid

Wedding Dinner ๐Ÿ™‚

wedding, groomsman and bridesmaid

wedding, groomsman and bridesmaid wedidng, groomsman and bridesmaid

Congrats to Kong Yee & Anny.. May both of you have a happy and long lasting marriage ๐Ÿ˜€

[tags]Weddings, Personal, Church, Joy, Marriage, Love[/tags]

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